Episode 091 - Jordan Wilson, Freelance Designer and Co-host of the Creative Course Podcast

Episode #91

Today's guest is Jordan Wilson. He is a freelance designer under Jordan Wilson Designs, as well as a co-host of the Creative Course Podcast.

During this episode we talk about:
-his go-to karaoke song 
-how he moved to Portland for music as part of a band
-how designing merch and album covers for the band was his gateway to design
-the struggles and challenges of figuring out freelance; accounting, on boarding, proposals, etc.
-he shares some painful stories where he learned some lessons in freelance life
-a full brewery rebrand project that he is super proud of

Jordan is so much fun to talk to that we actually spoke for over 10 minutes before I hit record. Oh, and he will tell you he is 6' tall....he's not....he's 5'11. #truthhurts